Подрезетники диам. 65, 75, 80 мм Предназначены для сверления отверстий в бетоне, кирпиче, граните и любых неметаллических материалах, как при сухом, так и при мокром сверлении.
Other products of NOVATOR, PSC
Price: unlistedCategory: cutting disks
Price: unlistedCategory: cutting disks
Price: unlistedCategory: architectural products
Price: unlistedCategory: diamond segments
Price: unlistedCategory: repair of diamond tools
PSC `Novator` provides the following services:
- restoration of diamond tools (soldering of diamond segments, straightening, balancing of saw-blades)
- manufacturing of products of natural stone, quarried in Ukraine,
- design and manufacturing of diamond tools according to customer`s technical task,
- monitoring of effective utilization of diamond tools
Department of foreign trade of PSC `Novator`
- draws up a technical and economic validating of use of equipment for quarrying and processing of stone,
- takes orders both for production and sale of products of Ukrainian natural stone.