Delicate Cream, Oman Grey Marble Slabs & Tiles
Compressive Strength (Dry)
ASTM C170-90
155.3 N/mm2
Compressive Strength (Wet)
ASTM C170-90
136.5 N/mm2
Water Absorption
ASTM C97-90
0.063 %
Bulk Specific Gravity
ASTM C97-90
2.684 -
ASTM C97-90
2684 kg/m3
ASTM C170-90
155.3 N/mm2
Compressive Strength (Wet)
ASTM C170-90
136.5 N/mm2
Water Absorption
ASTM C97-90
0.063 %
Bulk Specific Gravity
ASTM C97-90
2.684 -
ASTM C97-90
2684 kg/m3
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extend across many diverse commercial and industrial fields. Over a period of more than 35 years. Petra services have extended from being a ship agency to a provider of several services in the shipping and transportation businesses both at sea and land.
On the trade side, Petra has many partnerships with the biggest trade marks & names worldwide like Hempel Marine Paints and Castrol Marine. Also Petra involved in the field of Marble & Stone depending on its strong
partnerships with the biggest stone & Marble quarries & companies. We
sell our materials in Blocks, Slabs, Tiles, Stairs, and Cut To Size to USA,
China, and Middle East. Petra focuses on establishing new business relations with new different companies by offering several modern colors of marble & stone with competitive prices & differentiated qualities.
Run by a talented team, Petra was capable throughout the years to guarantee to its clients a professional service & best products, provide marketing and necessary information which Petra considers as the main measure of their success.