Ïëèòêà îáëèöîâî÷íàÿ ïîëèðîâàííàÿ.
Áàçàëüò. 20õ30, 30õ40, 40õ60, òîëùèíà 20 ìì.

35042, Bazaltove village, Kostopolsky distr., Rivne region, Ukraine, 35042
Other products of BAZALTVYRIBPROM, Production-Building Company
Price: unlistedCategory: kerb stones
Price: unlistedCategory: facing tiles
Price: unlistedCategory: window-sills
Price: unlistedCategory: footsteps
Price: unlistedCategory: paving stones
Price: unlistedCategory: kerb stones
Price: unlistedCategory: monuments
- Polishing of basalt slabs and tiles
- Processing of polished shaped surface.