Limestone Block, Ukraine White Limestone
Nummulit and mshanka limestone blocks. We can produce 10 000 m3 per month
Strength of products M > 75 kg/cm2
Frost resistance, > 25/35 cycles Water absorption < 15% Density ( bulk density ) < 2200 kg/m3 Softening ratio of at least 0.6 Radioactivity - lower than the natural background . With additional water repellent : - Water absorption < 3.5% , frost > 80 cycles . Standard of Ukraine DSTU BV.27 -37- 95 " Building Materials. Plates and natural stone products . Other products of this year and mined from the quarry in the Crimea.
Strength of products M > 75 kg/cm2
Frost resistance, > 25/35 cycles Water absorption < 15% Density ( bulk density ) < 2200 kg/m3 Softening ratio of at least 0.6 Radioactivity - lower than the natural background . With additional water repellent : - Water absorption < 3.5% , frost > 80 cycles . Standard of Ukraine DSTU BV.27 -37- 95 " Building Materials. Plates and natural stone products . Other products of this year and mined from the quarry in the Crimea.
the key directions of our activity is extraction, manufacturing and selling limestone products. The plant has licenses for four deposits with the capacity
of 120 million tons limestone. The number of marketed goods ranges from building
blocks and architectural
items such as facing tiles, columns, balustrades,
mouldings, decorative elements, flux and fill materials.