• Products (catalog)
    • Products (catalog)
    • Suppliers
    • Deposits
Registration in the system stonemarket.biz is free. Learn more about the benefits of other variants of placement in the chapter "types of membership".

In order to sign up:

  1. Follow the link the registration page.
  2. Enter the username and password which will be used for logging in the system.
  3. Select the type of user ("seller", "buyer", "both options").
  4. Enter your email address for contacting and receiving notification messages from the system stonemarket.biz (e-mail address will not be accessible third persons and will not be used for sending unsolicited messages).
  5. Enter the name of the legal entity (individual) for which the account is created.
  6. Select the country.
  7. Enter the verification code (protection against robots).
  8. Click "Save".
  9. In order to add detailed information about yourself, go to the section "Edit my data" (in the upper right corner).
    More information on adding/editing information about the company - in the section Editing my info